NEW: Loneliness Session

Is your heart weighed down by feelings of loneliness? 

Do you often feel alone? 

Do you feel a sense of sadness because you miss the company of others? 

Do you miss particular people who don't reach out to you the way you feel they should? 

Do you feel forgotten, unloved, unremembered, and alone? 

Loneliness--that feeling of sadness that comes from feeling forgotten and alone--is one of the most painful feelings a human being can experience. 

Ironically, we live in a digital world that in some ways has made us all more connected to each other than ever before... and yet it also opens doors for bigger disconnection than ever before, too. 

Loneliness is one of the great heartbreaking epidemics of the modern day. 

I found a page on "loneliness statistics" and it's worth a quick skim. But if I may summarize, it states that chronic loneliness is as bad for your health as smoking FIFTEEN cigarettes PER DAY. It says that loneliness can increase the risk of premature death by up to FIFTY percent

Loneliness increases stress hormones, which impairs digestion, immune system function, and more. Just feeling lonely can be so stressful on the system that it leads to inflammation and troubles all through the body. 

Loneliness can lead to substance abuse, addiction, and all kinds of mental health problems, including anxiety and depression. 

Basically, loneliness is a BIG DEAL – it is NOT "just" a "feelings" issue – it is a PHYSICAL HEALTH PROBLEM that can cause serious internal distress in both our emotions and our physical bodies. 

Human beings are not meant to be alone. In our own weird human-y way, we're like flock animals. Or herd animals. Biologically, a single human being cannot really last long in the world. We need each other to keep ourselves safe and fed in the face of Mother Nature. Our bodies have a biological need to connect with other people socially. Social connection is one way we keep our bodies physically safe, and our bodies know this. Our bodies know that we are the safest when we are fully connected in a safe social environment. When we don't have that safe social environment, our bodies rebel in an attempt to help us get connected the way we need to. It's a message from our bodies that sometimes we are not great at interpreting or working with. 

When we ignore the need to gather with other humans socially, we deal with depression, anxiety, neurosis and neuroticism, stress, sadness, and lethargy. Our bodies have an innate need to feel connected to others. 

Loneliness is, in part, an energy. 

What this means is, loneliness from the past can actually get "trapped" inside of our bodies. 

If you were severely isolated as an infant, as a child, or as a teen or adult, even if that period of severe isolation is over, your body may still feel as though it is still going on.

Feeling rejected and socially alone can lead to long-lasting physiological alterations in the body, and that is one thing this session is designed to do: work on clearing out past feelings of loneliness and isolation so that we can step firmly into the present and start creating a future of social connection. 

Loneliness is also a pattern. 

Beyond being "merely" an energy, loneliness can also be a pattern, or a habit, that we create over time. After a while of limited social connection, it can feel difficult or even impossible to create social connection again. And how does one even start to create social connection from scratch? It's rough! 

So in addition to clearing out the energies of past loneliness, we'll also be working to create new divine patterns of regular social connection so that we can heal old habits of loneliness and replace them with habits of connection. 

We don't have to live in loneliness and disconnection. 

During this session, we will: 

  • Clear out old trapped energies of loneliness from our pasts
  • Learn to embody new patterns of social connection
  • Open our own energies to positive social connection
  • Find REST from, in some cases, YEARS of the stress of social isolation
  • Create a new internal foundation for social connection

My intention is that we will all experience some serious miracles of social connection after working through this session.

No one should live their daily life in the stress of loneliness and isolation. We NEED each other and we need to FEEL connected to each other. 

Here's to healing from past loneliness and bravely opening a new chapter of connection and peace! I hope to see you in the session! 

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