NEW: Blessings Session

Are there blessings trying to flow to you that you might be blocking–or that other people are blocking from you? 

Have you ever felt like no matter what you did, blessings were simply not coming your way? 

Like you were doing everything right, and still not seeing the blessings you felt you were promised for it? 

What is more disheartening than "doing everything right" and then still not seeing good come from it?

What if you could get out of your own way and experience more blessings than ever? 

Google defines "blessings" as "God's favor and protection," and I think that's probably the perfect way to describe it. Blessings are the good things, the divine protection, the divine favor, that we want to flow into our lives. (This session has NOTHING TO DO with "priesthood blessings." We are talking about general good things and positive divine favor here!)

When our lives are blessed, we see miracles and positivity flow even in our darkest hours. Often, the presence of blessings transforms those dark hours, or even prevents them completely. When we live in a state of blessing, we feel peace and support. 

Recently, I had a strong feeling that many of us have TONS of blessings waiting for us out there in the ether--that we are preventing because of what's going on in our own energy fields. 

Sometimes WE are the reason we are not seeing the blessings we have been hoping for. 

I do firmly believe that God is always trying to bless us and make our lives easier. When our lives are not getting easier and better, a lot of times, it's because we are blocking that goodness from flowing to us. 

Sometimes it has to do with other people as well--sometimes other people get in the way and try to prevent us from having good in our lives. But, at the same time, when that happens, we are allowing it to happen on an energetic level. 

Human beings block their own blessings both consciously and subconsciously. 

Usually, we do this because on some level, we don't feel worthy of having good things. We block blessings out of a desire to self-punish, sometimes--this idea that if we punish ourselves, God won't have to punish us. This idea that it's safer for us to punish ourselves than to allow anyone else to do it. (Which is all based on the idea that punishment is somehow inevitable--but what if it's not?) 

Sometimes we block blessings out of fear. For example, you might want a new house--but be afraid of leaving your old one! Or you might want a new life situation, but fear giving up the familiar. All blessings involve an element of CHANGE. All blessings by definition take where we're at, and change the situations we are in. If we don't trust the change that blessings bring, we can prevent those changes from taking place out of our fear and mistrust. 

Sometimes we block blessings out of anger or spite. Have you ever been so angry with someone, that even when they tried to "make it up to you" later by doing something nice, you rejected it? I definitely have! Spite keeps our hearts in a state of rejecting blessings. 

Sometimes we are so blinded by the stories we tell ourselves about our lives, we can't even SEE blessings when they show up for us. To be open to blessings, we must first be open to seeing potential blessings. We block that ability when we tell ourselves stories that block blessings. 

When we block blessings subconsciously, we do it by unknowingly ignoring potential opportunities, and by unknowingly avoiding the situations that would bless us. 

When we block blessings consciously, it looks like those times that we KNOW we are being foolish and stubborn by rejecting something good, but we do it anyway, on purpose. I know you know what I'm talking about. We all do this from time to time. We all look goodness in the face and tell ourselves, "NOT TODAY, GOODNESS!" And we do it for often silly reasons and often heartfelt reasons. Emotional reasons. Understandable reasons. 

But we don't have to do that.

It can be safe to set ourselves free from old patterns of rejecting blessings. 

This session is designed to help us get out of our own way when it comes to accepting good things in life. How good can we allow life to be? Can we let our lives get better? Can we allow other people to stop sabotaging us? Can we feel peace with life if things are not actively working against us? Can we actually accept big, possibly scary changes that are actually huge blessings? 

During this session, we will:

  • Set our intentions to be open to bigger blessings than we have ever been open to before
  • Clear out old fears, angers, stresses, worries, anxieties, and other energies that prevent us from being open to blessings
  • Work on both unconscious and conscious resistance to blessings
  • Clear out any generational or ancestral issues that are linked to blocked blessings
  • Work on strengthening our courage to accept more blessings
  • Work to gain clarity on what exact blessings we each need to ask for and be open to in our own lives 

My hope is that this session will make a huge positive impact for everyone who chooses to use it! Hopefully we will all see some massive, life-changing blessings very soon! 

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