Heal Your Femininity

  • Are you a woman looking to reconnect with her feminine energy? Learn how to step into your authentic feminine power in a world that often values masculine traits.
  • Are you a woman looking to heal emotional wounds? Address and heal the emotional wounds that have been holding you back.
  • Are you a woman who wants to learn to embrace her worth? Understand and internalize that your worth comes from within, freeing yourself from external validation.
  • Are you a woman who wants to enhance your relationships? Improve your relationships by embodying true feminine energy, thereby inviting others to heal and step into their own power.
  • Balance Work and Femininity. Discover how to maintain your feminine energy while thriving in a professional environment.

Heal Your Femininity is the class that goes along with the Magnetic Femininity book. I definitely recommend reading the book first! In this class, we discuss the principles of the book more in-depth, and also add intuitive healing work to help you not just read, but actually apply the information. 

While Heal Your Femininity is under construction, these are sessions I recommend for all women who are who are working to heal their femininity:

  • Foundational Sessions. These free sessions will absolutely set the tone for your overall healing and transformation. You will learn and embody that you DESERVE to heal. 
  • The Betrayal Session. This session will help you heal from the times you have felt betrayed in your life--whether you have felt betrayed by yourself, by the men in your life, by God, or by anything. You can start healing from betrayal energy TODAY. 
  • The Abandonment Session. This session addresses feelings of abandonment. Every woman has experienced this energy, and today you can take some steps forward to heal from it. 
  • Accepting Assistance is a session to help you release your blocks to receiving help. As women, we naturally require assistance with a variety of things from time to time. But it can be very hard to receive it! This session will unblock your ability to receive help.
  • The Brain Fascia Session can help rewire your brain in general. This is helpful for everyone, but if you go into it with the specific intention that it will help your brain heal your femininity, it can be extra helpful. Watch it first for general brain health and then again for your femininity. 
  • This free Boundaries Session will help you heal your boundaries. 
  • The Healing Broadcast Signals class will help you rewrite the energies that you are putting out to the people around you. This one will seriously impact your entire life in an incredible way. 
  • Considering Divorce is a session for those considering divorce. Recommended if you are in that situation. 
  • The Cord Cutting Session will help you break unwanted connections between yourself and people in your life that are sucking you dry. 
  • The Despair Session will help you heal from deep-seated feelings of despair. 
  • The Disappointment Session will help you heal from your disappointments. 
  • The Divorce Series will help you heal from past trauma surrounding divorce. 
  • Releasing Fear of Men will help you release your fears of men. 
  • Forgive those who need forgiving with the Forgiveness Session
  • Heal from hopelessness with the Healing Hopelessness Session
  • Feminine energy is NOT an attacking energy. If you feel a sense that you are constantly ready to attack, I invite you to consider the Hostility Session.
  • If you feel afraid of being a burden, the Inconvenience Session is the one for you.  
  • Feminine energy is not judgmental. If you feel that you struggle with judging others and feeling that other people's judgments of you are important, I recommend the Judgment Session
  • The Menstruation Session is just recommended for all the women! 
  • The Narcissistic Abuse Session is recommended if you have had that in your life. 
  • The Sessions for Self Worth can be deeply healing.

Please let these sessions get you started on healing your feminine energy. We will update this page as Healing Your Femininity gets closer to formal release! 

Currently, since this class is not yet open for signup, the link goes to the page for the book. But eventually this will be a functional class signup! 

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