Caregiver Series

I was a caregiver for many years of my life, and as a toddler mom, I guess I still am! I originally started creating this series YEARS ago with the intention that it would serve primarily people caring for others with severe handicaps or disabilities or dementia. But as I worked through recording the series, I found that it was still helpful for me as a MOM of little kids.

So this is a series that is perfect for anyone who is dealing with caring for other people. I designed it to help with severe situations, but it will also help with what I guess some people might consider "normal" caregiving situations. 

This series contains 12 modules

We start by laying the foundation of the series in the Introduction, where we do some tapping to open up the space to heal from caregiving trauma. 

Then we're off to Clearing Entanglement, where we will work on the enmeshed energies of the caregiver and the person they care for. This is HUGE stuff. As a caregiver, very often your energy will get all mixed up with the energy field of the person you are caring for, and the two of you end up processing each other's issues and traumas. This is very difficult on the physical body, and it is also unnecessary. So this session will help you and the person you care for each inhabit your own energetic space without draining the other one. You will seriously feel so much lighter in your physical body once that entanglement energy is cleared. 

Up next, we have BELIEF WORK, in caps because that module is multiple videos where I walk you through clearing out and replacing literally dozens of limiting beliefs that are holding you back. You will feel so much better and so much FREER once those beliefs are removed from your system. You will see for yourself how this will open up the way for big shifts in your caregiving experience. 

After that, we work on The Broken Heart. If your heart has felt broken because of your caregiving experience or the experience of the one you care for, this is where we address those brokenhearted feelings. 

After that: Caregiver Finances. In this session, we work on the energy of MONEY when a person or family is so stressed by just care that it feels impossible to get ahead financially. This is the one I recorded and thought: wow, this sounds like my experience as a toddler mom as well as my experience during active caregiving of a severely disabled person. I hope that this session will help not just caregivers of people with extreme needs but also parents who feel stretched so thin around parenting that it feels like they will never get it together financially. 

After finances, we work on Forgiveness. This one was such a doozy to record, my friends. Oh man! We do an incredible amount of forgiveness work where I walk us through a forgiveness protocol and we forgive ourselves, the person we care for, God, Reality, the others who have let us down, people who have hurt us and the person we care for... it is a LOT and I expect it will take some days or weeks to fully work through it all. This section does address medical trauma from doctors who have wronged or ignored us specifically. 

After that: Exhaustion and Endurance. If you feel exhausted and like you don't know how you will endure another day, this session is for you. 

The Weight of the Burden comes next, where we honor the heaviness of the energy we are called to hold as caregivers. This is a difficult work, stretching the body, the soul, the heart, the finances, and more. In this session, we honor that incredible weight. 

Up next we work on Cleanup Trauma. Oh boy. This is the trauma we have incurred from so many MESSES! Cleaning up every kind of substance and mess and disaster known to man. This session helps us shift out of trauma zone so we can handle the messes that show up with grace instead of panic attacks. 

After cleanup, we work on Auditory Overload. If you feel overwhelmed and burdened by the sheer NOISE and SOUND of your caregiving situation, this is where we work on the ear canal and the auditory nerves as well as the part of your brain where you process sound and noise. There are some 10 out of 10 tapping scripts in that one that I hope you print out and use every day. WOW. Let's set ourselves free from auditory overload, please! 

After that, we work on What Has Been Neglected and we hold space to cry about the things we have missed out on during this important work in our lives. 

And finally, we conclude in the Conclusion, where I hold space for the energies that were not specifically worked on in other areas of this series. 

I have worked on this for two years now, and I feel so glad to finally have it available for everyone. I hope it absolutely shifts your entire caregiving experience. I hope you experience more peace, more money, more support and assistance, more rest, more joy, more perspective. I hope you feel calm when messes and noises and bills come in. I hope you feel lighter and more peaceful in every way. 

This is a pick-your-price-point series. I wonder if that's one reason it took me so long to record, honestly--I knew it was very important to me to have a $15 option. There are other options there if you would like to honor the work with additional resources, but my intention was to make this affordable enough that anyone in a caregiving position would be able to afford it. Hopefully this is true. 

If YOU find yourself in need of this session--I love you, I pray for you, I hope this session blesses your life. Keep breathing. You are doing God's work on the earth and you will be blessed for that. 

Modules for this product 12
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