Need your home cleared? I regularly get messages from people asking for help clearing their homes of negative energy. For the first time, I have recorded a COMPLETE house healing for anyone whose house needs some extra support.
In this session, we work on the following:
As well as the energy of the yard, roof, foundation, and the energy of the house as a whole. We clear out any curses on the house and any lingering energy from past occupants and energies from the land itself. We add in energetic support for all pipes, ducts, insulation, wiring, and all else inside the infrastructure of the home.
Not all of us have all of the rooms I listed! I certainly don't. But all of us have SPACES in our lives where we perform work (like an office), or store food (like a pantry), or exercise (like a home gym)--even if we don't have an office, pantry, or home gym. This session clears out negative energy from the SPACES AND PLACES where we live our lives.
I feel very, very excited to finally have a full home clearing available! I hope it blesses your life immensely!
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